Plein-moins-cher API
plein-moins-cher offers a paid API allowing you to retrieve fuel prices charged by service stations in France in real time.

Data relating to data flow

The source of the flow comes from the government site prix-carburants.gouv.fr, which provides data on fuel prices charged by service stations in France in near real time.

The feed is adapted by plein-moins-cher in order to enrich the data set with the Names and Brands of service stations (data not directly available in the official feed).

The flow is recalculated approximately every 10 minutes in order to be as faithful as possible to the price variations practiced by service stations once or several times a day.

Limits of liability 

The price information and its date/time of update by fuel, as well as the postal addresses of the points of sale are not transformed: they are returned as provided by the government site.
The names and brands of service stations are also taken from the government site, but do not come from the public feed.

Plein-Moss-Cher is not responsible for any potential inconsistencies in this information.

The latitudes/longitudes can be corrected/adapted by the full-cheaper API because they are inconsistent or inaccurate.

plein-moins-cher is fully dependent on the Open Data service provided by the government website prix-carburants.gouv.fr.
Any temporary unavailability of the data source impacts the service provided by the full-less-expensive API: the last information retrieved is then returned by the API, pending the return of the service.

In the event of a permanent shutdown of the Open Data service by the prix-carburants.gouv.fr website, the plein-moins-cher API will de facto cease to operate.
In this case, any subscription taken out would be closed by plein-moins.cher.
The subscriber cannot make a claim.

The use of the API service provided by plein-moins-cher implies acceptance of these limits of liability.

API Access

 - The API is accessible on a fixed URL, secure, and protected by token (a token is a digital token).
 - Access is unlimited in time, the API can be requested at any time.
 - However, a sliding maximum limit of 10 API calls per minute is activated, in order to protect the server from any malicious traffic that would prevent it from functioning.
 - A valid token must be passed as a parameter in order to obtain the price information flow relating to all the stations.
 - Your unique and personal token is provided on request, by email to pleinmoinscher@gmail.com

Test Token

 - The test token allows you to test the API for free.
 - The returned result contains however a random but exact game limited to 50 service stations selected arbitrarily among the thousands of stations available.
 Access to testing API: https://api.geodateo.com/fuel/prices/v1?token=test

License price

- A unique private token is provided upon request to pleinmoinscher@gmail.com

- This token can be used free for 1 month, this validity limit being defined from the date of the first use of the token
via the API https://api.geodateo.com/fuel/prices/v1?token=<token>
- A license must be paid to permanently benefit from the service.

- In case of non subscription of license, after 1 month, the token provided is deactivated.
A new request must be made at full-cheaper in order to obtain a new token.
Full-less-expensive will then reserve the right or not to issue a new token.

- The price of the license is set at €39/month, payable by subscription by credit card via the secure Stripe platform.

- The user can stop his subscription at any time via his private Stripe billing portal, the link of which will be provided by email upon subscription.

- Any termination of subscription at the initiative of the subscriber permanently deactivates the token.

- It is up to the subscriber not to disclose this token.

- The subscriber cannot share this token or undersell it.

- Payment is made for the benefit of geodateo, publisher of the plein-moins-cher.fr website

Subscribe API

  • 100% secure payment
  • Price charged monthly
  • 100% transparent, no hidden costs
  • You are free to unsubscribe at any time
API Documentation Request Access to the API is via the following URL: https://api.geodateo.com/fuel/prices/v1?token=<token>&format= <format>&disposition=<disposition>
Parameter Required Default value Possible values Description
token Yes - Your personal key, or "test" Your personal identification key
format No json json | csv | xls Returned format
json (JavaScript Object Notation): Web Data Interchange Format
csv (Comma-Separated Values): Excel-compatible data format where data is separated by semicolons
xls (Microsoft Excel): Excel data format
disposition No inline inline | attachment When the API is called via a web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge), determines whether the content is displayed in the page (inline) or returned as an uploaded file (attachment)
Note: the "xls" format imposes the "attachment" mode.
With the "test" token, test the result obtained: the API provides real-time price data for a random set of 50 stations. Test URLs: - Return to json format https://api.geodateo.com/fuel/prices/v1?token=test&format=json (with file attached: https://api.geodateo.com/fuel/prices/v1?token=test&format=json&disposition=attachment) - Return to csv format https://api.geodateo.com/fuel/prices/v1?token=test&format=csv - Return to xls format https://api.geodateo.com/fuel/prices/v1?token=test&format=xls Answer Fuel prices The information is returned by service station in the following format:
Attribute Description Example
brand Petrol station brand Esso
name Name of the gas station Seaside resort
postal_address Service station mailing address 14 rue de la Gare
postal_code Zip code 24100
city City name Bergerac
department_code Department code 24
department_name Department name Dordogne
region Region name New Aquitaine
latitude Geographic latitude, between -90° and +90° 44.8581250
longitude Geographic longitude, between -180° and +180° 0.48215888
diesel_price Diesel price, in Euro 1.618
diesel_update_date Date/time of diesel price update 2023-07-04 19:10:05
e85_price E85 ethanol price, in Euro 1.049
e85_update_date E85 Ethanol Price Update Date/Time 2023-07-04 09:31:03
e10_price Price of Unleaded 95-E10, in Euro 1.784
e10_update_date 95-E10 Unleaded Price Update Date/Time 2023-07-04 19:10:03
sp95_price Price of Unleaded 95, in Euro 1.844
sp95_update_date Update date/time of the price of Unleaded 95 2023-07-04 19:22:13
sp98_price Price of Unleaded 98, in Euro 1.774
sp98_update_date Unleaded 98 Price Update Date/Time 2023-07-04 18:18:15
gplc_price LPG price, in Euro 1.884
gplc_update_date LPG price update date/time 2023-07-04 18:07:46
Notes: - attributes in blue are potentially adapted or corrected by full-less-expensive, - attributes in yellow are added by plein-cheaper (because not present in the official feed), - the other attributes come directly from the government flow, they are not transformed. format=csv Returns a table with header whose data is separated by semicolons Example: https://api.geodateo.com/fuel/prices/v1?token=test&format=csv With attached file: https://api.geodateo.com/fuel/prices/v1?token=test&format=csv&disposition=attachment format=xls Returns a Microsoft Excel compatible file Example: https://api.geodateo.com/fuel/prices/v1?token=test&format=xls format=json Returns a json structure containing:
Attribute Description
date_generated Date/Time of stream generation in YYYY-MM-DD H24:MI:SS format, at TimeZone Europe/Paris. Ex: 2023-07-15 21:05:05
items An array of objects showing information by gas station
context "token": the token used, "date_requested": date/time of stream request in YYYY-MM-DD H24:MI:SS format, at TimeZone Europe/Paris, "originating_ip": the calling IP, "token_first_utilisation_date": the date of first usage, "token_validity": the validity date (date of first use +1 month) or "unlimited" in case of paid license.
Example: https://api.geodateo.com/fuel/prices/v1?token=test&format=json With attached file: https://api.geodateo.com/fuel/prices/v1?token=test&format=json&disposition=attachment HTTP Response codes List of HTTP response codes
Code Description
200 OK: request processed successfully, a result is returned.
400 Bad request: the URL or one of its parameters is invalid.
401 Unauthorized: the token used is invalid.
406 Not Acceptable: the client must accept the gzip encoding (Accept-Encoding:gzip must be present in the Header of the request).
429 Too many requests: usage limit exceeded. Retry the request later.
500 Internal Server Error: An internal server error has occurred. Retry the request later.
Important note The client must issue the HTTP request with the header Accept-Encoding:gzip This header is automatically added when the API is requested via a web browser such as Chrome, Firefox or Edge. On the other hand, it must be explicitly specified when the API is called from the command line with a tool like curl: In case of absence, a return with HTTP code 406 (Not acceptable) is generated. API call, followed by stream decompression: curl -sH 'Accept-Encoding: gzip' https://api.geodateo.com/fuel/prices/v1?token=TEST | gunzip
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